Intuitive Services
- Natal Chart Reading$150 (60 Minutes)
A natal chart (AKA birth chart) is the first step in your astrological journey. It is an astronomical snapshot of the stars based on the exact day, time and place you were born. In astrology, a natal chart reading indicates your character traits, behavioral tendencies, hidden desires, and the directions your life might take.
*Natal Chart Reading is mandatory for all new clients.
- Compatibility Chart Reading$150 (60 Minutes)
Interested in your compatibility with a friend, family member, lover, or frienemy? Come find out!
- Transit Chart Reading$85 (30 Minutes)
Astrological transits are one of the main means used in horoscopic astrology to forecast future trends and developments. As its name implies, astrological transits involve a method of interpreting the ongoing movement of the planets as they transit the horoscope. This is most often done for the birth or Natal Chart of a particular individual. Particular attention is paid to changes of sign, or house, and to the aspects or angles the transiting planets make with the natal chart.
- Transit Chart Reading$150 (60 Minutes)
Astrological transits are one of the main means used in horoscopic astrology to forecast future trends and developments. As its name implies, astrological transits involve a method of interpreting the ongoing movement of the planets as they transit the horoscope. This is most often done for the birth or Natal Chart of a particular individual. Particular attention is paid to changes of sign, or house, and to the aspects or angles the transiting planets make with the natal chart.